Figment of Protection
Pedal to the Metal (Yellow) (rainbow foil)
Zap (Red)
Harmonized Kodachi
Rousing Aether (Red)
Invigorate (Yellow)
Sigil of Suffering (Blue) (rainbow foil)
Second Swing (Yellow) (rainbow foil)
Debilitate (Red) (rainbow foil)
Scar for a Scar (Blue)
Empyrean Rapture (cold foil)
Maxx 'The Hype' Nitro
Wage Agility (3)
Grandstand Legplates (cold foil)
Single Minded Determination (1) (rainbow foil)
Well Grounded
Earth's Embrace (rainbow foil)
Blistering Blade
Crush Confidence (Red)
Oath of the Arknight (Blue)