Smash With Big Tree (Yellow)
Forged for War
Timesnap Potion (rainbow foil)
Engaged Swiftblade (3)
Agile Windup (2) (rainbow foil)
Emboldened Blade (rainbow foil)
Fact-Finding Mission (3)
Persuasive Prognosis (rainbow foil)
Gustwave of the Second Wind
Calming Cloak (cold foil)
Burning Blade Dance
Pick Up the Point (1) (rainbow foil)
Savage Swing (Blue)
Silver the Tip (Yellow)
Out for Blood (Yellow)
Hungering Slaughterbeast (Red)
Exposed to the Elements
Drowning Dire (Yellow)
Tearing Shuko
Read the Ripples (1) (rainbow foil)