Bolting Blade
Unhallowed Rites (Red) (rainbow foil)
Stony Woottonhog (Red)
Surging Strike (Blue)
Blood Dripping Frenzy (rainbow foil)
Scrap Prospector (3)
Apex Bonebreaker (cold foil)
Scrap Prospector (1) (rainbow foil)
Aqua Laps
Electrostatic Discharge (3)
Runehold Release (cold foil)
Throw Yourself at Them (1)
Scuttle the Canal (2) (rainbow foil)
Driving Blade (Yellow)
Eirina's Prayer (Blue)
Herald of Protection (Red)
Brandish (Yellow)
Bolt'n' Shot (Red)
Burn Away (1)
Point the Tip (2)