Ridge Rider Shot (Yellow)
Plasma Barrel Shot
Unhallowed Rites (Red)
Invigorate (Blue)
Aether Wildfire
Pouncing Qi (3)
Quelling Slippers (rainbow foil)
Seerstone (cold foil)
Heaven's Claws (Blue) (rainbow foil)
Talisman of Recompense (cold foil)
Crater Fist (rainbow foil)
Illuminate (Blue) (rainbow foil)
Over Loop (Red) (rainbow foil)
Staunch Response (1)
Aether Spindle (1)
Widowmaker (2)
Codex of Bloodrot (rainbow foil)
Flicker Trick
Stir the Aetherwinds (Yellow)
Crush the Weak (Blue)