Emperor, Dracai of Aesir (marvel)
Hyper Scrapper
Rising Speed (3)
Headliner Helm (cold foil)
Sigil of Solitude (1) (rainbow foil)
Sanctuary of Aria
Felling of the Crown (rainbow foil)
Affirm Loyalty
Cartilage Crush (Red)
Reduce to Runechant (Blue)
Pitfall Trap (Yellow)
Seeds of Agony (Blue)
Break Ground (Red)
Phantasmal Haze (Blue)
Invoke Azvolai (1)
Felling Swing (3)
Trade In (3) (rainbow foil)
Spectral Procession (rainbow foil)
Over Flex (Red) (rainbow foil)
Pack Hunt (Red) (rainbow foil)