Weave Lightning (Blue)
Glisten (Red) (rainbow foil)
Soul Harvest (Blue)
Barraging Beatdown (Red)
Nature's Path Pilgrimage (Yellow) (rainbow foil)
Beseech the Demigon (2) (rainbow foil)
Evo Tekloscope
Stacked in your Favor (3)
Cut the Deck (2) (rainbow foil)
Liquid-Cooled Mayhem (1) (rainbow foil)
Single Minded Determination (3)
Waning Vengeance (1) (rainbow foil)
Etchings of Arcana (1)
Exploding Aether (2) (rainbow foil)
Arakni, Trap-Door
Sloggism (Yellow)
Crush the Weak (Yellow)
Ice Storm
Blood on Her Hands