Lightning Surge (Blue)
Lava Vein Loyalty (1)
Sack the Shifty (3)
Dunebreaker Cenipai (2) (rainbow foil)
Blazen Yoroi (marvel)
Emerging Avalanche (Red) (rainbow foil)
Steadfast (Blue) (rainbow foil)
Fluster Fist (Blue) (rainbow foil)
Meganetic Shockwave (rainbow foil)
Unhallowed Rites (Blue) (rainbow foil)
Read the Runes (Yellow) (rainbow foil)
Braveforge Bracers
Pummel (2)
Spring Load (2)
Glaring Impact (3)
Enchanting Melody (Blue)
Zen State (rainbow foil)
Winter's Wail (cold foil)
Break Ground (Yellow) (rainbow foil)
Herald of Ravages (Blue) (rainbow foil)