Rusted Relic
Rise Above (Yellow)
Rotten Old Buckler
Soaring Strike (2)
Drill Shot (2)
Rake the Embers (3) (rainbow foil)
Pouncing Qi (2) (rainbow foil)
Cold Wave (Blue) (rainbow foil)
Ride the Tailwind (Yellow) (rainbow foil)
Leg Tap (Red) (rainbow foil)
Teklovossen's Workshop (Yellow) (rainbow foil)
Rift Bind (Red) (rainbow foil)
Aether Spindle (Red) (rainbow foil)
Steelblade Shunt (2)
Unmovable (3)
Peace of Mind (3)
Radiant Flow
Take Cover (Yellow)
Eirina's Prayer (Blue) (rainbow foil)